Learn Kotlin On the Backend
Looking for a place dedicated to Kotlin on the backend? You came to the right place 🙂
Spring Framework, Ktor, Http4K, Micronaut, and many, many more.
Spring Boot with Kotlin, AWS S3, and S3Template
The second article in a series dedicated to Spring Boot AWS S3 integration focused on S3Template and Kotlin.
Spring Boot with AWS S3, S3Client and Kotlin
A step-by-step guide on how to configure a Spring Boot Kotlin app to work with AWS S3 Object Storage using the S3Client.
Sending Spring Boot Metrics to Datadog
A step-by-step guide on how to implement and configure a Spring Boot application to send metrics to Datadog.
Integration Tests for WebClient with WireMock
Learn how to perform integration testing for Spring WebClient that invokes external REST APIs with WireMock and JUnit 5.
Learn Kotlin in a clear, step-by-step way with The Complete Kotlin Course 2023: From Zero to Expert.
Become a sought-after Kotlin professional with structured lessons, engaging exercises, and expert support.
About Me
Hello and welcome to Codersee, a place where you can learn Kotlin, Spring Framework (especially Spring Boot), Ktor, Micronaut and other things related to backend development.
My name is Piotr and my mission is to provide you with a practical Kotlin articles, video tutorials, and exercises, which will help you bring your Kotlin & backend knowledge to another level.
Programming does not have to be boring and this is the reason why I focus on practice-oriented, and forward approach.
Moreover, if you are tired of searching various places, blogs, or articles looking for interesting content, updates, and news from the world of Kotlin, then you should definitely check out my free newsletter. Every week, I spent the time on research, so that you don’t have to worry about that anymore.
Thank you for visiting and let’s grow together 🙂