What are HTTP ETags?
In this article, we will learn what ETags are and how they relate to If-None-Match, If-Match headers, and 304 and 412 HTTP status codes.
In this article, we will learn what ETags are and how they relate to If-None-Match, If-Match headers, and 304 and 412 HTTP status codes.
I am writing this post, because I would like to share some exciting news with you- the Codersee course platform has been fully migrated to
In this article, we will learn how easily we can automate our Kotlin project with git hooks on the example of Ktlint pre-commit check.
In this article, I will show you how to pass data between workflows in GitHub actions- from workflow A to B (triggered by workflow_run).
In this quick tutorial, I will teach you how to create a GitHub Actions workflow and customize some basic settings.
What can we do together to ship a better content and what you can do to get a free ebook with Spring Framework interview questions.
In this article, I would like to show you how to set up Apache Kafka Without Zookeeper using Docker Compose.
In this step-by-step article, I will teach you how to set up multiple Kafka Brokers using Docker Compose, aka multi-node cluster.
In this step by step guide, I will show you how to set up Apache Kafka with Docker Compose from scratch and test it with a command line.