Spring Boot 3 Kotlin Router DSL
In this practical tutorial, I will show you how to expose web endpoints using Spring Boot 3 and Kotlin router DSL (functional style).
In this practical tutorial, I will show you how to expose web endpoints using Spring Boot 3 and Kotlin router DSL (functional style).
In this, revisited article I will show you everything you need to know when working with Spring WebClient and Kotlin coroutines.
In this practical guide, I will show you how to create a reactive REST API using Spring, Kotlin, coroutines, and Kotlin Flows.
In this blog post, I would like to show you how to handle 3XX status codes properly and follow redirects with Spring WebClient.
In this course, I will show you how to create a REST API using Spring WebFlux, PostgreSQL, and Kotlin and containerize it with Docker.
In this article I will show you how to configure Flyway migrations when working with Spring WebFlux and Spring Data R2DBC.
This time, we will focus on differences between just(), defer(), fromSupplier() and create() methods in exceptions and null handling.
After reading this first article in a series, you will have a decent understanding of four ways of creating Monos in Project Reactor.
After finishing this tutorial, you will be able to create a simple Spring Boot REST API CRUD with Spring Data Reactive MongoDB.