How To Use kotlinx.serialization with Ktor and Kotlin?

This article is all you need to know about how to set up kotlinx.serialization library in Ktor Server, Client, and WebSockets.
Image is a featured image for article about kotlinx.serialization in Ktor and consist of Ktor logo in the foreground in a blurred photo of a winter forest in the background.

If you would like to learn how to use the kotlinx.serialization library with Ktor and Kotlin, then you just came to the right place! In this article, I will show you how to configure it to work with:

  • Ktor Server
  • Ktor Client
  • WebSockets in Ktor

Before we start, I just wanted to note that we are going to use a modified project from the lesson about Ktor with Ktorm and PostgreSQL. So if you don’t know how to set up and use a Ktor server with PostgreSQL you should definitely check it up, because I will skip the basics. Additionally, if you’d like to explore kotlinx.serialization in details, then check out my detailed guide.

Lastly, please note that there is a GitHub repository for all of this in the end of this lesson!


A few quick words about setting up. Note that for the main thing we are going to use, such as ContentNegotiation, Ktor has different implementations for Client and Server.

Do not mess them up, it causes a lot of trouble and a lot of Stack Overflow questions ๐Ÿ™‚


kotlinx.serialization With Ktor Server

Now, let’s start with the kotlinx.serialization for the Ktor server part.

I am going to use Postman for making HTTP requests and testing the server. You can use any tool for this purpose even the client we will write about in the next part ๐Ÿ™‚

First of all, let’s check our classes for the User from previous parts:

interface User : Entity<User> {  
  companion object : Entity.Factory<User>()  
  val userId: Long?  
  var userName: String  

 Now we are going to need classes for our responses: 

data class UserResponse(  
  val userId: Long,  
  val userName: String  
data class UserRequest(  
  val userName: String  

data class UserErrorResponse(val message: String)

Basically, the central part of all serialization here is ContentNegotiation which could be installed for our server(not the client).

As we are using it for Json serialization, we should specify it as json() like this:

fun Application.configureSerialization() {  
  install(ContentNegotiation) {  
    json(Json {  
      prettyPrint = true  
      isLenient = true  

And here’s our loved Json object! Now we can do all kinds of trickery that we know and learned before.

For the code above, I’ve used a simple style specification, but you can use it as you like. As an example, we can add a custom or polymorphic serializer:

private val contextualSerializerModule = SerializersModule {

private val polymorphicSerializationModule = SerializersModule {
  polymorphic(User::class) {
    subclass(Admin::class, Admin.serializer())
    subclass(Guest::class, Guest.serializer())

object DateAsStringSerializer : KSerializer<Date> {
  private val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd 'T' HH:mm:ss.SSSZ")

  override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor(

  override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: Date) {

  override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): Date {
    return dateFormat.parse(decoder.decodeString())

And our server is going to look like this: 

fun Application.configureSerialization() {
  install(ContentNegotiation) {
    json(Json {
      prettyPrint = true
      isLenient = true
      serializersModule = contextualSerializerModule
      serializersModule = polymorphicSerializationModule

We can remove this for now, we’ll use actual polymorphic serialization in the Web Sockets section.

Now, what about routes? Let’s check out a simple POST request:

fun Route.createUser(userService: UserService) {
  post {

    val request = call.receive<UserRequest>()

    val success = userService.createUser(userRequest = request)

    if (success)
      call.respond(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, UserErrorResponse("Cannot create user"))

As we can see, we don’t serialize/deserialize anything manually.

The whole process happens due to this line:

val request = call.receive<UserRequest>()

We can witness that our request deserializes into the UserRequest as such is marked with @Serializable annotation.

The same happens here:

fun Route.updateUserByIdRoute(userService: UserService) {
  patch("/{userId}") {
    val userId: Long = call.parameters["userId"]?.toLongOrNull()
      ?: return@patch call.respond(
          UserErrorResponse("Invalid id")

    val request = call.receive<UserRequest>()
    val success = userService.updateUserById(userId, request)

    if (success)
        UserErrorResponse("Cannot update user with id [$userId]"),

Our request is deserialized and we can update a user.

Now let’s test it and get our users:

private fun User?.toUserResponse(): UserResponse? =  
    this?.let { UserResponse(it.userId!!, it.userName) }

fun Route.getAllUsersRoute(userService: UserService) {  
    get {  
        val users = userService.findAllUsers()  
        call.respond(message = users)  

As I said before, Iโ€™m going to use Postman.

So how about checking our server:

Image shows a GET request URL in Postman.
Image shows a response from the GET request serialized with kotlinx serialization in our Ktor server


Image shows the URL for POST request in Postman
Screenshot presents the content type header set to application/json
Screenshot shows the response we get from the POST endpoint in our Ktor server serialized using the kotlinx serialization library
Image presents 201 Created response from the POST endpoint


Image shows the url path for the DELETE endpoint.

kotlinx.serialization With Ktor Client

Now the kotlinx.serialization for the Ktor client. Here’s the same thing, but make sure you don’t miss anything and use ContentNegotiation FOR CLIENT.

Check the import:

import io.ktor.client.plugins.contentnegotiation.*

We can install it just like before:

private val client = HttpClient(CIO) {
  install(ContentNegotiation) {
    json(Json {
      prettyPrint = true
      isLenient = true
  defaultRequest {
    url {
      host = ""
      port = 8080

All things apply here as well, so let’s check how to use it for our requests. There are lots of possible situations, we are going to cover basic data retrieving and how to place something inside a body of a request.

We want to get all of the users, what should we do? We can use something like this:

suspend fun getAllUsers(): List<UserResponse> {
  return try {
    val response: HttpResponse = client.get("/users")

    if (response.status == HttpStatusCode.OK) {
    } else {
      println("Failed to retrieve users. Status: ${response.status}")
  } catch (e: Exception) {
    println("Error retrieving users: ${e.message}")

The main part here as well is this:


The UserResponse class can be serialized, and we don’t need to do anything at all. All hail the ContentNegotiation ๐Ÿ™‚

How about we create some user? We can do it as well:

suspend fun createUser(user: UserRequest) {
  try {
    val response: HttpResponse ="/users") {

    if (response.status == HttpStatusCode.Created) {
      println("User created successfully")
    } else {
      println("Failed to create user. Status: ${response.status}")
  } catch (e: Exception) {
    println("Error creating user: ${e.message}")

This time, we specify the content type for our body, such as ContentType.Application.Json and just set our user in here. All happens as it is a miracle.

Now letโ€™s test it. Iโ€™m going to use this simply to check each method:

runBlocking {

  val allUsersOld = UserRequests.getAllUsers()
  println("All Users: $allUsersOld")

  val newUser = UserRequest(
    userName = "Mark"


  val allUsersNew = UserRequests.getAllUsers()
  println("All Users: $allUsersNew")

  val userIdToRetrieve = 2L
  val retrievedUser = UserRequests.getUserById(userIdToRetrieve)
  println("User with ID $userIdToRetrieve: $retrievedUser")

  val userIdToUpdate = 2L
  val updatedUser = UserRequest(
    userName = "Bob"
  UserRequests.updateUserById(userIdToUpdate, updatedUser)

  val userIdToDelete = 2L

And the corresponding result would be something like this:

All Users: [UserResponse(userId=2, userName=User #2)]
User created successfully
All Users: [UserResponse(userId=2, userName=User #2), UserResponse(userId=7, userName=Mark)]
User with ID 2: UserResponse(userId=2, userName=User #2)
User updated successfully
User deleted successfully

Iโ€™ve skipped the logs because they are not important for this. 

Web Sockets

So, here’s the fun part. There is no Content Negotiation for the Web Sockets ๐Ÿ™

Nonetheless, there is such thing as contentConverter for WebSockets:

private val client = HttpClient(CIO).config {
  install(WebSockets) {
    contentConverter = KotlinxWebsocketSerializationConverter(

Basically, that’s it, now we can use sendSerialized() and receiveDeserialized() to send and receive data.

However, let’s focus more on manual implementation for the sake of understanding. Here we have classes to represent our messages:

abstract class Message {
  abstract val content: String

class TextMessage(override val content: String) : Message()

class SystemMessage(override val content: String, val systemInfo: String) : Message()

private val module = SerializersModule {
  polymorphic(Message::class) {
    subclass(TextMessage::class, TextMessage.serializer())
    subclass(SystemMessage::class, SystemMessage.serializer())

val messagesFormat = Json {
  serializersModule = module

We are going to use TextMessage to send to the server and SystemMessage to send back from the server.

To send a message we must serialize it to string. And to receive vice versa. Nothing difficult:ย 

private suspend fun DefaultClientWebSocketSession.receiveMessage() {
  try {
    for (message in incoming) {
      message as? Frame.Text ?: continue
      val deserializedMessage: Message =
      println("${deserializedMessage.content} // ${(deserializedMessage as? SystemMessage)?.systemInfo}")
  } catch (e: Exception) {
    println("Error while receiving: " + e.localizedMessage)

private suspend fun DefaultClientWebSocketSession.sendMessage(message: Message) {
  val serializedMessage = messagesFormat.encodeToString(message)
  try {
  } catch (e: Exception) {
    println("Some error occur: " + e.localizedMessage)

Here’s our simple server that going to get our message and send it back with some changes:

routing {
  webSocket("/hello") {
    try {
      for (frame in incoming) {
        frame as? Frame.Text ?: continue
        val deserializedMessage: WebSocketSession.Message =
        val newMessageText = deserializedMessage.content + " - from Client"
        val serializedMessage = WebSocketSession.messagesFormat.encodeToString<WebSocketSession.Message>(
            content = newMessageText,
            systemInfo = "Important"
    } catch (e: Exception) {

The final part is to test it. We simply connect it to our already existing server:

fun main() {
  embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080, host = "") {
  }.start(wait = true)

And now run the client, for example, Iโ€™ve created this one:

suspend fun connectWebSocket() {
    host = "",
    port = 8080,
    path = "/hello"
  ) {
    launch { sendMessage(TextMessage("Good morning!")) }
    launch { receiveMessage() }
    launch { sendMessage(TextMessage("Hello!")) }
    launch { receiveMessage() }
    println("Connection closed. Goodbye!")

runBlocking {

Hereโ€™s the results:

2023-12-01 15:46:26.104 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-4] TRACE io.ktor.websocket.WebSocket - Sending Frame TEXT (fin=true, buffer len = 41) from session io.ktor.websocket.DefaultWebSocketSessionImpl@2e8ab815
2023-12-01 15:46:26.110 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-6] TRACE io.ktor.websocket.WebSocket - WebSocketSession(StandaloneCoroutine{Active}@4ecfdc65) receiving frame Frame TEXT (fin=true, buffer len = 82)
Good morning! - from Client // Important
2023-12-01 15:46:28.094 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-6] TRACE io.ktor.websocket.WebSocket - Sending Frame TEXT (fin=true, buffer len = 34) from session io.ktor.websocket.DefaultWebSocketSessionImpl@2e8ab815
2023-12-01 15:46:28.097 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-3] TRACE io.ktor.websocket.WebSocket - WebSocketSession(StandaloneCoroutine{Active}@4ecfdc65) receiving frame Frame TEXT (fin=true, buffer len = 75)
Hello! - from Client // Important
Connection closed. Goodbye!


And that’s all for this article about kotlinx.serialization with Ktor.

If you would like to download the full source code, then you can find it in this GitHub repository.

Lastly, thank you for being here, and happy to hear your feedback in the comments section below!

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